Energy medicine refers to the use of frequency and vibration to bring harmony to the disharmonious aspects of our energy field. It works by manipulating the structure and flow of the body’s energy to a consistent state. It is energetic nutrition.

I work with the frequencies of reiki, sound, crystals, aromatherapy, and guide breath, movement and intention to enhance the flow of prana.

a deep dive on energy medicine

"Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies."
— Albert Einstein

Energy medicine is a broad term used for any modality that uses energy communication to heal. Although energy is the most ancient of all medicines, it is considered a “new” field in modern medicine, and it was not until the late 1980s that it was defined by researchers as any energetic or informational interaction with a biological system to bring back homeostasis in the organism. Another way of stating it is that it is a natural medicine that works to use one’s own life force energy to heal by manipulating the structure and flow of the body’s energy to a consistent state.

We live in a vibrational universe, and nothing happens in nature without an energy exchange. Energy is wind, heat, light, sound, gravity, pressure, vibration, electricity, magnetism, physical matter. It is our cells, organs, heart rate, breath, biofield, thoughts, and emotions. Whether visible or invisible, everything is made of patterns of energy moving through time and space as waves, magnetically rotating around one another. All the waves are moving at different rates of vibration, or frequency. Particles vibrating at a very low rate create density in matter, and those at a high vibration may have a lighter density so fine that we can’t perceive it with our visual senses. Yet the invisible forces are primary in shaping our physical world. Understanding energy medicine is understanding that invisible forces play a key role in our lives. Essentially we are living in a soup of vibration, and we impact that field just as the field impacts us.

Energy is separated into two categories by NCCAM:

  1. Energies that can be measured scientifically by our present standards, like Electromagnetic Therapy, or therapy using sound waves.

  2. Energies that are not yet subject to our measurement - the subtle fields that are utilized in Energy Healing, Acupuncture, Qi Gong, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Therapeutic Touch, Light Therapy, Intention, or Distance Healing and similar modalities.

These subtle fields may seem mysterious, but they are not a mystery. Taoist alchemy and Chinese Medicine brought to light the principle of Chi, with its cosmic cycles of energy flow through meridian channels in the physical body, and Yogic philosophy considers energetic life force through breath or Prana, chakras and concepts of layers of energy outside of the physiological body such as the etheric body, the astral body, the emotional body, the mental body, and the spiritual bodies.

“When all your energies are brought into harmony, your body flourishes. And when your body flourishes, your soul has a soil in which it can blossom in the world. These are the ultimate reasons for energy medicine—to prepare the soil and nurture the blossom.”

–Donna Eden

We are each vibrating to our own tune. When the body is healthy, every single part is naturally “humming” consistently, all systems in harmony with one another like an orchestra. When it isn’t, that hum is weak, incoherent, and discordant, as if certain instruments in the orchestra are out of tune, affecting the quality of the entire composition. Energy can become stuck or blocked, breaking up its flow, leading to every disturbance we can think of on a physical, emotional and mental level. The goal of energy medicine is to bring the body back into its natural hum - its natural flow - by learning how to work with our own energy so we can activate the body’s healing wisdom. When we go see an energy practitioner, what healers do is offer such a consistent vibration that in time causes those who have been resistant by nature to let go of the resistance and allow this flow within themselves.

Another beautiful quality of energy is resonance. When two harmonic vibrations match up, there is amplification to the field. Imagine when an opera sings into a wine glass and it explodes. This is what happens when beings come together and breath together, move together, meditate together, express together: heart and brain waves begin to sync up, and we are able to enter into a collective, resonate state of consciousness where something greater than the sum of its parts is created.

The concept of energy medicine can be difficult for our logical minds to wrap our heads around. Ultimately we have to experience it for ourselves. It doesn’t matter if science has found an explanation or not, it’s about how you FEEL. It’s about experiencing energy healing for yourself, opening up to the unknown and being consciously aware of how your energy shifts.